Working With Us

A key contributor to the success of apprenticeships is the support of the employer. From providing resources and learning opportunities to supporting off-the-job training.

However, you can't do this alone. We believe apprenticeships are a partnership, which is why we work closely with you throughout. From identifying skills gaps to matching your employees to the right apprenticeship, we're there for you.

Helping Your Apprenticeships Succeed

Where most apprenticeship schemes fail is through the day-to-day management. From making sure apprentices are feeling supported, to recording off-the-job training and monitoring training plans, the administrative burden can be heavy. This is why billions of pounds worth of unspent levy is returned to the government each year.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. As your apprenticeship provider, we’re here for your every step of the way. From identifying skills gaps, supporting you with funding paperwork, to managing apprentice applications, we’re here for you. Every step of the way.

Apprenticeships To Suit Your Business

Whether you want to send one employee on a single apprenticeship, or you need a closed cohort for your employees, we will work with you to design a solution. We work with organisations of all sizes, across all sectors to ensure that the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the apprenticeship standard can be delivered to help individuals and their teams to make an impact that matters.

Addressing Skills Gaps

Apprenticeships make the biggest impact when the learning addresses specific skills gaps that your organisation faces.

The first step of our journey together is identifying the skills gaps that exists within your teams, and seeing if our apprenticeships can enable you to fill those gaps.

  • What are the strategic objectives of the business?
  • What skills are lacking within your teams, or organisation right now?
  • What skills does your organisation need to succeed in the future?
  • Do you have the right people, teams, organisation structure to house these future skills needs?

You may have already identified the skills gaps in your business, but this is something our apprenticeship experts can help with.

The Apprenticeship Journey

  • Identify skills gaps

  • Map strategic objectives to apprenticeship standards

  • Match candidates to apprenticeships

  • Guide apprentices and line managers through application process

  • Enrol apprentices

  • Regular tripartite reviews to monitor progress

Skills Scan for Line Managers and Apprentices

We have developed a tool that links directly to the knowledge skills and behaviours relating to the apprenticeship.

The aim of the Skills Scan is to make sure that the apprenticeship will meet the knowledge, skills and behaviour requirements of the apprentice, and match the business needs of the employer.

Making Apprenticeships a Success

Download our guide to working effectively with your apprenticeship provider to make apprenticeships a success.

Download the Guide

Talk To Us

If you have any questions about our apprenticeships and how they can work for your organisation, our apprenticeships team are here to help.

Skills Scan

The Skills Scan is a vital part of the apprenticeship application process for apprentices and line managers.

Ashridge (Bonar Law Memorial) Trust is registered on the list of approved apprenticeship providers. UK PRN 10008899