Coaching Accreditation and Validation

The Hult Ashridge Center for Executive Coaching awards validated and accredited coach status to individuals who meet our criteria.

Our validations and accreditations have been awarded the EMCC Quality Kitemark - meaning we can offer fast-tracked EMCC accreditation at practitioner and senior practitioner levels.

About Coaching Accreditation and Validation

The Hult Ashridge Center for Executive Coaching has been providing accreditation to executive and team coaches since 2004.

We also offer validation to internal coaches and leader coaches who meet our criteria. Our accreditation of external coaches is recognized to be at EMCC’s Senior Practitioner Level and our validation of internal coaches is recognized as EMCC’s Practitioner Level.

Our Ashridge Accredited Coach status is reserved for outstanding executive and team coaches who demonstrate their competence and relational coaching ability through our rigorous assessment process.

Coaching Validation

Our validation process was developed in 2012, to provide a stamp of approval to internal coaches and leaders with a coaching practice in their organizations. It is a way of recognizing the skills and capability of those working within organizations.

Our coaching validation process allows internal coaches and leaders to become either:

1. Validated Leader Coach

2. Validated Internal Coach

Coaches can choose how they would like to be referred to depending on the requirements of their organisation and role.

Our validation process has been approved by the EMCC, meaning we can automatically offer EMCC Practitioner status to those who successfully complete the validation process.

Validation Requirements

  • Written submission of a coaching profile outlining your approach to coaching and your coaching experience

  • Evidence of delivering at least 40 hours of coaching over the past two years

  • Evidence of attending at least 5 hours of supervision over the past two years

  • Written feedback on your current coaching competence from one coachee

Coaching Accreditation

Executive and team coaches who successfully complete our accreditation process can become an Accredited Executive Coach, or Accredited Team Coach. This accreditation process has been given the EMCC Quality Award kitemark, meaning we an automatically offer EMCC accreditation at Senior Practitioner Level (for a reduced additional fee).

Submission A

Accreditation Self Assessment

An ‘Accreditation Self-Assessment’, an assessment of your own current competence against the seven coach accreditation criteria. In addition, you are required to submit your ‘Coaching Practice Overview’ comprising:
i. Your coaching profile
ii. Your record of coaching hours, including numbers of hours, anonymized clients and dates
iii. Your record of own supervision sessions including numbers of hours, supervisor’s names and dates. We require at least 10 sessions in the last two years.

Submission B

Written Case Study

Submission of 5,500 words (+10%) written ‘Coaching Case Study’ of coaching work with one recent coaching client. You should use the coaching assessment criteria, your own client case notes and coaching logbook as the basis for this work. This work will be
assessed by two members of the Accreditation Board.

Submission C

Recording and Transcript

A record of recent coaching work with a different client from the one in your written case study. The ‘Coaching
Skills Assessment (Recorded)’, to include:
i. A single continuous digital recording of 20 minutes (+10%) of live coaching work (an excerpt of a full-length session).
ii. A verbatim written transcript of the recording.
iii. A written commentary on the recorded coaching describing the context; the client; the particular session recorded; what this session demonstrates; and how the learning from Module 1A has affected your practice.
iv. Written feedback from the client

Submission D

Live Practicum

The accreditation process for individual coaches will involve a live coaching practicum session of 20 minutes, the ‘Coaching Skills Assessment (Live)’. An assessment group made up of two
members of the Accreditation Board and two to three colleagues also completing the practicum will observe this coaching session.
All assessments will be made against the Coaching Assessment Criteria and full feedback will be provided at the end of the session.

Upcoming Events

We regularly host virtual and in-person events on new and emerging theories of executive coaching and supervision. We also run information sessions with recent graduates to highlight our coaching programmes.


Relational Coaching Conference

This year's conference will focus on identity - of the coach and coachee - and it's place in coaching. We will share more information as we develop the programme.

  • Next Event: June 2024

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Apply by April 16 2024

We are now taking applications for our May 2024 face-to-face cohort.