Familiarize yourself with the financial essentials while working simultaneously on your business and soft skills. You’re on your way to becoming an all-round global finance professional.
Core Course
Program Immersion
Begin your program with an immersion experience. This is where you’ll first practice essential business skills to prepare for the program and assess your readiness on commonly used concepts and tools for industry and career preparation. You’ll begin to develop communication and teamwork skills, reflect on your personal journey, and build a strong foundation for your ongoing success.
Key Topics & Skills
Business, Finance & Communication Fundamentals
Academic & Program-Specific Skills, Tools & Essentials
Career, Professional & Personal Development
Core Course
Teamwork & Collaboration
In modern organisations most of the work is done in teams and so the ability to work with others is fundamental in business. The Teamwork & Collaboration course will lay the foundations for effective teamwork by understanding yourself – your behavioural style and mindset. The course will then focus on how to collaborate with others in a variety of contexts. You will develop a broad repertoire of tools to collaborate and negotiate across cultural and generational boundaries in a range of situations.
Key Topics & Skills
Personal Development
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Core Course
Business Insights Through Data
Successful businesses compare past business performance with newly acquired information to visualize industry trends and make decisions. Using data analysis helps companies predict industry and market trends and adapt accordingly. This course will help students understand and apply different business metrics and use quantitative and qualitative analyses to provide specific recommendations to their businesses and clients.
Key topics & skills
Data & Decisions
Describing Categorical & Numerical Data
Association Between Variables
Normal Probability Models
Samples & Confidence Intervals
Regression Models
Core Course
Communication & Collaboration: Personal Impact
Effective communication and collaboration skills can make or break a successful career. Gain a clear understanding of the most in-demand interpersonal competencies and skills in business today. Then, continually apply these skills in exercises and role plays—and graduate with the soft skills needed to succeed in the global workplace.
Key topics & skills
Learning & Development
Managing Yourself
Communicating With Individuals & Groups
Presentation Skills—Story Telling, Presentations & Pitching
Core Course
Data Extraction & Visualization
Financial analysts are increasingly accessing internal and external databases to formulate recommendations based on data analysis. This course will cover extraction of data using SQL and analysis using Excel and Tableau.
Key topics & skills
Relational Databases & Entity Relationship Diagrams
SQL Queries & Data Extractions
Create Data Tables for Specific Analyses
Excel Data Tools
Tableau Data Tools
Core Course
Financial Accounting
Accounting is the language of business. This course will enable you to understand the principles and processes used in the preparation of financial statements. You will apply this knowledge to the analysis and interpretation of corporate annual reports.
Key topics & skills
Basic Financial Reporting
Assets & Related Revenue Accounts
Liabilities & Related Expense Accounts
Debt Capital
Contributed & Earned Capital
Core Course
Intermediate Financial Management
This is the first of two core financial management courses, covering financial analysis, asset valuation, and cost of funding.
Key topics & skills
Ratio Analysis
Time Value of Money
Risk & Return
Interest Rates
Stocks, Bonds, and Valuation
Business Challenge
Business Challenge: AI Challenge
Put all your newly acquired knowledge and skills directly into practice at the end of each block through a practical and relevant business challenge. Teams will draw on the content and themes of previous courses in each block to complete challenges involving simulations, executive pitch presentations, innovation hackathons, real company challenges, designing new business models, etc.
Key Topics & Skills
Cross Functional Strategic Decision Making, Planning & Coordination
Analyzing Real & Simulated Business Cases
Team Leadership & Dynamics
Courses and challenges subject to change
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