Hult Business Challenge

After completing your specializations, it’s time to come back together for your final challenge. Discover just how far you’ve come and bring your specialist knowledge with you—because you’ll be the expert in your field on a team of diverse skillsets and specializations.

At a glance

  • Credits: 7.5

  • Challenge: Business Consultation

  • Required for all students

Module snapshot

What you'll learn

  • Being the Expert in Your Field in a Team of Equals

  • Leadership & Teamwork Under Pressure

  • Synthesis of Multiple Disciplines to Solve Problems

  • Articulating Your Value Proposition with Clients

  • Connecting Your Hult Experience to Life Post-Graduation

The Challenge

Live business consultation

Put your knowledge, skills, and expertise to the test in your live capstone project. Work with students from diverse specializations to form a team of experts and consult for a real company.

Mindsets and Core Skills

We partnered with Burning Glass Technologies and analyzed millions of job postings worldwide to understand the key mindsets and core skills that are essential—not only for when you first graduate, but also for the rest of your career, right up to when you become CEO. We’ve integrated the assessment of these skills—like collaboration, communication, and creativity—into our core modules. You’ll be continually assessed on your performance to ensure you build up these attributes to the best of your ability alongside your problem-solving and leadership skills.

Hult x Bühler Group: Business Challenge

How do we encourage more women into STEM? Measure our social impact? Keep our company culture alive globally? These are the kind of issues you’ll face in global business. And they’re the questions global food tech giant Bühler Group asked Hult undergraduate students to answer for their Hult Business Challenge module. Take a trip with our finalist teams to Bühler’s London HQ and see Hult's challenge learning in action. 

What our students say

I was prepared to exchange stability and comfort for radical personal growth and learning. The only way to do this for me was with Hult.

Minh Phùng


Class of 2022

Download Brochure

Download a brochure for an in-depth look at Hult’s undergraduate program.

Upcoming events

Register to attend one of our many Hult events, ranging from global webinars to virtual campus visits.

  • Boston Virtual Open House: Jan 20

  • London Virtual Open House: Jan 20

Application Deadline

March 1, 2024

Our enrollment advisors will be ready to support you throughout the process.

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