Marketing Major or Minor

Effective marketing changes people's lives. It understands what they want, what they need, when, and how. Good marketers drive the strategy of the business by combining analytical focus with creative ingenuity. Complete two marketing modules to qualify for a minor in marketing, or four for a marketing major.

At a glance

  • Four modules available

  • Difficulty: Intermediate to advanced

  • Available as major or minor

  • Counts toward the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) qualifications

Specialization snapshot

Key topics & skills

  • Researching the 4C’s: Customers, Competitors, The Company & Context

  • Market Orientation & Product Positioning

  • Creating & Managing A Unique Brand

  • The 4P’s of The Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Promotion & Place

  • Sales Pipeline Management

Professional skills gained

Brand Management
Consumer Segmentation
Digital Marketing
Market Positioning
Market Research
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Mix
Pricing Strategy
Social Media Marketing
Business Development

Why Marketing?

All business strategy needs marketing: researching and analyzing your customers, your competitors, and your own company. You need to find the gap in the market, position yourself, create your brand, and promote it. Marketing covers it all.

Marketing 1

Marketing 1

Come to grips with the entire marketing process, from market research through to the marketing mix.

  • Credits: 7.5

  • Difficulty: Intermediate

  • Requirement: Core modules 1, 2, 3

Marketing 2

Market Insights & Consumer Understanding

All marketing starts with understanding the customer, their behaviors, likes, and loves.

  • Credits: 7.5

  • Difficulty: Advanced

  • Requirement: Marketing 1

Marketing 3

Mastering Marketing Communications

The marketing that everyone sees: ads, promotions, PR & communications.

  • Credits: 7.5

  • Difficulty: Advanced

  • Requirement: Marketing 1

Marketing 4

Business Development & Sales Management

The ultimate purpose of marketing is to reach your target segment and increase sales.

  • Credits: 7.5

  • Difficulty: Advanced

  • Requirement: Marketing 1

What our students say

We got to create a go-to market strategy, so I tested my business idea and got feedback that would help my business succeed after graduation.

Abdel ElMenshawy


Class of 2017

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Upcoming events

Register to attend one of our many Hult events, ranging from global webinars to virtual campus visits.

  • Boston Virtual Open House: Jan 20

  • London Virtual Open House: Jan 20

Application Deadline

March 1, 2024

Our enrollment advisors will be ready to support you throughout the process.

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