Your Bachelor of Business Administration—Program Overview

Practical learning challenges are integrated into your entire program—ensuring you understand the relevant theory while developing the mindsets and skills essential for a career on a global scale.


BBA For Those Made to Do - Program Overview

Challenge-based Program

Putting doing at the center of learning

Put theory into practice through real-world business scenarios, live client consulting, simulations, and hackathons. Work in diverse teams, take risks in a safe and supporting environment and solve the challenges businesses are facing right now as you carve your path to becoming a successful global professional.

Using big-data analytics with Burning Glass Technologies, we identified the professional and technical skills global employers hire for—and built these directly into your program. We’ll work together, continuously, to help you build the essential knowledge base, mindsets, and skills to graduate with the tools you’ll need for the role you want.

Live the Challenge - Hult Student Life - 7 days

Skills development

Every module includes workshops and tutorials on the skills and mindsets that you'll be applying to your challenge and that you’ll be assessed on. You’ll follow your progress on your personal dashboard.

Personal coaching

Your personal career and development coach will support you throughout your journey—helping you interpret your assessments, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and connecting those learnings to your career goals.

Business portfolio

Your student dashboard captures and monitors your progress and achievements, ultimately building you a professional portfolio to showcase your mastery of skills to future employers.

Core & specialization modules

All core and specialization modules are a half-semester long (7.5 credits) and built around a real-world business challenge—this could be a complex project, a live business consultation, hackathon, or simulation.

Core Modules

Build a strong core

Become an expert in the essential areas of international business—but not in isolated courses. Core subjects, from finance to marketing to management and ethics, are integrated together throughout the module. You immediately apply your learnings to your business challenge, just like you would in the real world, while developing the skills and mindsets essential for a successful career in whatever field you choose.

Specialization Modules

Do what you love

Keep your business knowledge base broad or specialize in an area of interest while developing the professional skills to give yourself the edge in a particular field after graduation. No need to decide yet—you're bound to discover so much about yourself; feel free to wait and see where your passion leads you.

Flexible program lengths that fit your schedule

No matter where in the world you’ve attended high school, or how intensely you want to study while you’re at Hult, our flexible curriculum is built to adapt to your needs and goals—meaning you can study the topics you choose, at the speed that suits you.

3 years

Global standard track

In some parts of the world, you take additional high school education (for example, the International Baccalaureate or UK A-levels). In that case, you would qualify for 30 “Advanced Placement” credits with Hult and can expect to graduate in three years.

4 years

US standard track

If you come from a standard high school, you will be on this track and typically take four years to complete your degree. This is the standard length of an undergraduate program at most US colleges and universities. “Advanced Placement” (AP) credits will also be assessed on an individual basis.

2-3 years

Transfer students

Candidates who have studied at another accredited university or business school will be assessed for transfer credits into the Hult Bachelor of Business Administration upon receipt of their official transcripts.

Summer programs

Graduate faster

All students can graduate faster by earning credits over the summer, meaning some highly ambitious students graduate in as little as two years.

What our students say

Never in a million years did I think I’d be in this multi-cultured dimension. I have definitely grown to know what I want for myself.

Viviana Wu Liu


Class of 2022

Download Brochure

Download a brochure for an in-depth look at Hult’s undergraduate program.

Upcoming events

Register to attend one of our many Hult events, ranging from global webinars to virtual campus visits.

  • Boston Virtual Open House: Jan 20

  • London Virtual Open House: Jan 20

Application Deadline

March 1, 2024

Our enrollment advisors will be ready to support you throughout the process.

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